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Catholic RE religious Studies Planning years 4 and 5 297 Page pdf Advent Lent

Catholic RE religious Studies Planning years 4 and 5 297 Page pdf Advent Lent

A 297 page pdf with Catholic RE planning. Suitable for years 4 and 5. Easily adaptable for personal use. Lots of references to the bible. Topics covered include Holy Week, Lent, Easter, Christmas, Advent, Creation, Baptism, Parables, Miracles etc There’s an assessment sheet that pupils can write on and insert into their books. sample: Explore with children words we might use to describe significant people in our lives and what they do for us (e.g. friend, parent, brother, etc.) l What words and statements would the children use to describe God? l Provide children with blank alphabetical word bank sheets to record words they would use for God. This activity could be done in small groups. l Share findings with the rest of the class and reasons for choosing certain words. l The Bible is a source of knowledge for Christians about what God is like. Explain to the children that in this unit of work we will be learning about some important images of God that we find in the Old Testament. l Recall some of the images of God that the children have suggested. Explain that an important image of God for Christians and indeed for the Jewish people is that of the Creator. l What does it mean to create something? What responsibility does this entail? L2 That every human person is made in the image and likeness of God and is called to reflect God’s love. l Know the story of the creation of human beings in the Book of Genesis. l Understand what being created in the image and likeness of God means. l Understand that human beings have similarities and differences that should be valued and respected by everyone. l Explore ways in which Christians can work to value other people, especially those who are different from them. l Research, discuss and write about the story of Creation of human beings and explore ways in which we can work to value other people especially those who are different from us.
Christmas Around The World Fun resources French German Spanish Italian

Christmas Around The World Fun resources French German Spanish Italian

Loads of fun planning for Christmas around the World. Most is French. But a good chunk of German. And a nice sprinkling of Italian and Spanish. Highlights are short Christmas plays in French, German and Italian. And a lovely short Spanish powerpoint on the Nativity. plus fun songs, quizzes, powerpoints, games etc You get well over 100 files so great value. sample French play Petite pièce de théâtre pour Noël – Christmas play Personnages Trois bergers Un ange Les Trois Rois Mages Marie Joseph L’aubergiste Les animaux (enfants masqués) Un choeur Deux narrateurs Narrateur 1: Il est tard. Trois bergers gardent leurs moutons sur une colline. Berger 1: Brrr! Il fait froid! Passe-moi une couverture! Berger 2: Voilà! Berger 3: Regardez! Qu’est-ce que c’est? Berger 2: C’est une étoile? Berger 1: Ah non! Ce n’est pas une étoile! Berger 3: Aïe! J’ai peur! Qu’est-ce que c’est? Ange: N’ayez pas peur! Cette nuit, à Bethléhem, est né un enfant. Il s’appelle Jésus. Partez tout de suite et trouvez l’enfant! Narrateur 1: Alors les trois bergers partent. Ils vont chercher l’enfant à Bethléhem. Marie et Joseph arrivent à Bethléhem. Marie attend un enfant. Elle est très fatiguée. Marie: Je suis fatiguée, Joseph. Joseph: Trouvons une auberge. Narrateur 1: Marie et Joseph cherchent une auberge mais il n’y a pas de place à Bethléhem. Ils arrivent enfin à une petite auberge. Ils frappent à la porte. Toc, toc, toc! L’aubergiste: Oui? Je peux vous aider?
Christmas Five Powerpoints Plus Planning Catholic Flavor

Christmas Five Powerpoints Plus Planning Catholic Flavor

Five powerpoints plus planning. I’ve converted the powerpoints to a pdf and you can download and have a good look. sample planning: Ask children to think about their literacy lessons – TTYP and name the important details that are needed in telling a story (e.g. time, place, characters and events). Ask children to the recall names of the four main Gospels. Do they all tell the same story? (Essentially yes but lead children towards idea that they are different versions of the same story). Use analogy of an incident occurring on the playground – would each child tell the same incident in the same way? No they would tell their version of the same event – some details and word choices would differ. Talk about today’s WALT and explain that we are going to be looking at some different Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus Christ. Explain to ch that, in order to achieve their WALT, they will need to be comparing and contrasting everything which they read. Explain briefly that three out of the four Gospels deal with the birth or Christ; there are many similarities and many differences in the way in which the Gospels record and explain the event. For today’s lesson we are going to focus on Matthew’s Gospel and Luke’s Gospel. Children to have Bibles on carpet. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew Mt. 1: 18-2:23 and the Gospel of Luke Lk. 2: 1-14. Using the PPT ask, show children the following table: Details found only in Matthew’s Gospel. Details found only in Luke’s Gospel. Details found in both Gospel’ Discuss possible reasons for the differences in the two accounts. They are coming from two different people; points of view; written at different times but the basic story is the same. Briefly recap last lesson. Which two Gospels did we look at? Which story were we reading? Did both Gospels tell the story in
Year 4 Summer term Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2

Year 4 Summer term Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Summer term for year 4. You get 114 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy (Stories that raise issues, Poetry etc) Numeracy (Fractions and Decimals etc) P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. ( Easter, Pentecost etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Year 4 Planning Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 & Aesop Cloze Worksheets Bundle

Year 4 Planning Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 & Aesop Cloze Worksheets Bundle

4 Resources
Great mega bundle. A complete year’s planning. Plus great Aesop cloze worksheets. Incredible value. Please look at my shop for individual details. Below is one as an example: Planning for the Autumn term for year 4. You get 160 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy Numeracy P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. (Advent etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.